Over 12,000 marriages saved!

The Thriving Marriage Now Restoration System...

A complete marriage restoration course to help your spouse stop pulling away further, open up communication and create natural attraction again, so you can have the marriage and love your heart craves.

How Society has PROGRAMED Marriage to FAIL

What's the Thriving Marriage Now System?

The Thriving Marriage Now Restoration System...

A complete marriage restoration course to help you open real communication, lessen tension and change the story leading to your spouse leaving so you can restore your marriage.

Our PROVEN method to help you and your spouse reconnect fast!

You'll get our brand *NEW* Attraction CPR and 3 additional proven training programs so that you can effectively save your marriage, even if they don't want to work on it with you right now

A Step-By-Step Process to open up communication with your spouse so you get them to stop divorce and fall back in love with you.

After working with thousands of couples, we've found that there are certain commonalities that draw couples together and pushes them apart. You will learn exactly what to do to get your spouse back in home and in love with you.

International Marriage Experts Show You How You May Be Unintentionally Pushing Your Spouse Away and How to Draw Them to You Instead.

If your spouse is wanting a divorce, saying "I love you but I'm not in love with you, or wanting "space" it means you've missed something along the way. Good news is, we will show you what you missed and help you turn it around fast.

90% Discount Only For The Next 48 hours...

This program will be priced at $1,500 after the launch because it includes a full package of all our powerful classes plus BRAND NEW Attraction CPR trainings so your spouse will WANT to be with You!

So this is your last chance to join for just $197

Are you 100% Committed to Saving Your Marriage?

You might be familiar with this story…

Everything started off great. You and your spouse were so in love.

You had so many big dreams together.

You felt you could do anything.

Even though you knew you weren’t both perfect, you tended to look at the good in each other instead of dwelling on the bad.

You laugh, flirt and love being around each other.

Things are good, for a while.

Then…. it happens.

The communication slows down.

Their energy toward you changes.

And slowly, you feel them pulling away.

Happiness is replaced with anxiety, and excitement with fear and self-doubt,

As they stop talking to you about things, the tension rises—sometimes they are even unfaithful.

Before you know it, you find yourself overthinking every single thing you say to them,

Until eventually the communication dies completely,

And you’re left wishing more than anything that you could somehow find the key that would unlock their interest once again.

This story is painful. And, unfortunately, all too common.

When someone we like pulls away or goes cold, it can feel like a mini heartbreak, or full-blown heartbreak altogether.

Whether you’ve just started feeling a shift, or the situation fizzled months ago, the solution remains the same...

That's why we created the Thriving Marriage Now System.

So You Can:



Wasting time on what doesn't work (aka therapy, self help and "working on yourself')

Reconnecting with what's most important to you both.

Living in anxiety and fear as you watch your spouse pull away more...

Having peace of mind that you are giving your marriage everything you can and can live with no regrets.

Unintentionally pushing your spouse away.

Taking action on the exact plan that will give you the happy marriage you deserve, starting NOW

In the Thriving Marriage Now System You Will Learn:

Exactly what’s going through their mind when they start to put in less effort, and 3 simple things you can do RIGHT NOW to get them trying again.

Why they haven’t re-committed to the marriage . . . yet. (Discover the 4 most common reasons and the simple psychology that gets them wanting you again.)

The one text you can send immediately that will guarantee they’ll be thinking about you when you’re not around.

The secret to building their desire to the point where they’re the one initiating contact. (A must-have if you’re exhausted by anxiously checking your phone.)

If they really mean it when they say “I love you but I’m not in love with you”. (I’ll share with you a simple test to reveal the difference.)

My daily tool for calming the negative thought patterns that can make us self-sabotage and behave in low-value ways that drive someone away.

What is included in the

Thriving Marriage Now System:

(Click on the buttons to learn more)

 Only 87 out of 100 Spots Left

It's a massive 90% discount, because this program will cost $1,500 after the initial launch.


► You'll uncover exactly what’s going through their mind when they want out.

► 3 simple things you can do RIGHT NOW to get them trying to make it work with you again.

► How to create Connecting Communication so you can reduce tension, feel deeply heard and understood by your partner.

► The secret to building their desire to the point where they’re the one initiating contact. (A must-have if you’re exhausted by anxiously checking your phone.)

► The exact steps to take so your spouse hits the "pause button" and stops running away. If your spouse hasn't hit the pause button yet, it means you've missed something (not your fault, most people don't know about this).

PATH Marriage Course - Worth $1,200

► Our scientifically proven method to end the divorce process fast and get them to WANT to be with you again.

► We'll show you the 3 Crucial Steps to setting healthy boundaries so you can communicate with respect and love while protecting yourselves.

►Trust Restoration boost will build mutual trust so you can feel safe and close to each other again.

► We'll show you how to Cut to the Core Problems so you can talk things through without fighting all the time.

► You'll learn how to uncover their narrative so they start to see the good in you again and want to spend time with you.

► You'll get our Emotional Painkiller™ designed to help you and your spouse let go of past pains and hit the reset button on your relationship.

 13 People Have Joined Today, Only 87 Spots Left To Save $1,400!

It's a massive 90% discount, because this program will cost $1,500 after the initial launch.

 13 People Have Joined Today, Only 87 Spots Left To Save $1,400!

It's a massive 90% discount, because this program will cost $1,500 after the initial launch.

"It felt like a sign from God! My marriage is better than ever!"


Leah Smith

Her husband's spouse left her because of an affair. Now they're in love!

"I was at my wit's end... but now, it's an amazing feeling knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life!"

 3 Days left to join!

Last opportunity to get your spouse back in love with you and save 90%!

Bonus: Rocket Reconnection Training- Worth $588

► We’ve distilled over 100,000 hours of training into 3-30 min power packed videos to give you the best and fastest methods to reconnect with your spouse

► Plus you can target your specific issue with your spouse such as: how to end an affair in 3 weeks or less, open up any conversation, forgive and heal past pain, how to deal with addictions, narcissism, midlife crises and mental health challenges.

► With a click of the button, you will have the answer you need without having to sift through hours of training videos, so you get the solutions you need easily and immediately.

 Plus, you'll get our Resistance Busting Toolbox. This is where 90% of people get it wrong and is a big opportunity for you to get it right!

BONUS: Rekindle Romance Generator- Worth $250

 In this final training, we'll show you how to overcome "I love you, but I'm not in love with you" so you can have passion and romance in the marriage again, even if they think its dead.

► We'll reveal the Intimate Connection Shortcut to increase trust overnight... even if you have hurt each other in the past.

► You'll learn Four FORGIVENESS PILLARS to forgive yourself and your spouse for good.

► We'll reveal the 1 Secret Process for SOLVING ROOT ISSUES so you can tackle problems as a team.

► Plus, we cover the final steps you need to bridge the gap between yourselves and fully restore your marriage.

 3 Days left to join!

Last opportunity to get your spouse back in love with you and save 90%!

"I'm so grateful for how much this program has helped me grow"


Kimberly Finney

She's changing her internal story and her marriage!

"I've had some positive interactions and it seems like we're getting back to where we were before! I feel like I have the community and support I need! This program has helped me grow!"

If your spouse wants out, it's not your fault!

What if I told you that if your marriage is on the rocks, teetering toward divorce, or cold as ice…

It’s NOT your fault!

YOU are not the problem (despite what your spouse says)

THEY are not the problem (despite how you may feel, or what others are saying)

The PATTERN is the problem.

Here at High Thrive Coaching, we stand by the principle that you should….

Divorce the pattern, not the person!

See, the pattern is what has really gone wrong here.

The pattern is the habit or cycle that’s going on in your relationship…

It’s what’s causing the disconnect.

The distrust.

The unwillingness to work on things.

The apathy.

The volatility.

The blaming.

The accusations.

The shutting down.

The pulling away.

The pattern is what is at the root of the narrative your spouse has about you and the marriage.

Sometimes people think if they change partners, everything will be better.

They will be happier.

Only to find out they are just as unhappy with the new person.


Because the PATTERN hasn’t changed.

That’s why so many repeat the same unhealthy and unhappy cycles over-and-over again.

So, divorce the pattern, not the person.

When you change the patterns, everything in your reality and relationship will change as well.

I’d love to help you get there and have the marriage your heart craves...

Because I can promise you, if you are willing and committed...

you CAN change the patterns you are in currently.

And you will look back and say it was the best thing you’ve ever done.

Is this resonating with you?

Then Grab Your Spot Now to Get Your Spouse Back!

 Only 87 Spots Left! Join before they're gone!

You don't want to miss this.

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Click the button below to pay through PayPal

Do you prefer to use PayPal?

Click the button below to pay through PayPal

Frequently Asked Questions


ANSWER: While the situation becomes more difficult after a filing it doesn’t mean that it is the end. MANY of our clients are in the divorce process. 


It does however, mean that time is critical and you need all the tools available to help you patch this delicate situation. Even if your spouse has filed for divorce there is still hope if:

-You have regular contact of any sort

-You are still living in the same home or see each other at least several times a month



We actually recommend spouses go through the course on their own, even if they are wanting to do it together. The reason is, you need to take full responsibility for your part in the relationship and you can only do that on your own.

For many of our students, their spouse would be unwilling to do the course anyway and asking them to do so will only push them further away

It is absolutely possible to save your marriage on your own. You can greatly alter the atmosphere of the relationship and in doing so, draw your partner back to you.


ANSWER: Traditional counseling meets once per week for 45 minutes up to 90 (if you’re lucky).

We realize that if things aren’t going well in your marriage, the situation warrants more attention and more effort.

We ALWAYS give actionable steps and detailed plans on how to fix just about any problem, and unlike traditional counseling, we have specific overarching plans on how to go from any problem to a thriving marriage.


ANSWER: This is normal and expected.

Making positive changes alone is NOT ENOUGH.

 It is critical you start doing it right away.

You need to change the story your spouse has justifying their reasons for leaving with our proven Thriving Marriage Now method.

Frequently Asked Questions


ANSWER: While the situation becomes more difficult after a filing it doesn’t mean that it is the end. MANY of our clients are in the divorce process. 


It does however, mean that time is critical and you need all the tools available to help you patch this delicate situation. Even if your spouse has filed for divorce there is still hope if:

-You have regular contact of any sort

-You are still living in the same home or see each other at least several times a month



We actually recommend spouses go through the course on their own, even if they are wanting to do it together. The reason is, you need to take full responsibility for your part in the relationship and you can only do that on your own.

For many of our students, their spouse would be unwilling to do the course anyway and asking them to do so will only push them further away

It is absolutely possible to save your marriage on your own. You can greatly alter the atmosphere of the relationship and in doing so, draw your partner back to you.


ANSWER: Traditional counseling meets once per week for 45 minutes up to 90 (if you’re lucky).

We realize that if things aren’t going well in your marriage, the situation warrants more attention and more effort.

We ALWAYS give actionable steps and detailed plans on how to fix just about any problem, and unlike traditional counseling, we have specific overarching plans on how to go from any problem to a thriving marriage.


ANSWER: This is normal and expected.

Making positive changes alone is NOT ENOUGH.

 It is critical you start doing it right away.

You need to change the story your spouse has justifying their reasons for leaving with our proven P.A.T.H. method.

Grab Your Spot Now to Get Your Spouse Back!

 Only 87 Spots Left!  Join before they're gone!

You don't want to miss this.

© 2022 Thriving Marriage Now





© 2022 Thriving Marriage Now